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Kris Zurek (SNHS) Member of Microscopy Practitioners Association, Holistic Health Therapist

Karen Stewart Holistic Health Therapist

Holistic Health Centre,
Cloonloo, Boyle,
Co. Sligo.

Tel: 071 966 3311
Mobile: 087 972 8044

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Heart Rate Variability Test

A rare opportunity to see the effects of one’s own mind/breath/lifestyle on the body and health … and new strategies to promote well-being, resilience and biological homeostasis.

This test is especially relevant for you if:

  • You feel overwhelmed, chronicly stressed, low in energy, overhypered, have a tendency to overdo, if you are not handling your emotions well but desire change in your life
  • You are curious to see whether your lifestyle/the way you breathe and your personality traits, mindset depletes you of energy and makes you more vulnerable to disease
  • You wish to know the rate of your biological aging and learn strategies to optimize your Epigenetics and slow down aging and deterioration
  • You want to learn how HRV reading relates to your Longevity prediction
  • you would like to be more effective in quiting smoking
  • you want to check whether your athletic workout is ecessive and backfires at you
  • You seek understanding regarding hidden psychosomatic factor which shapes your health
  • You want to promote balance and greater ease and efficiency in your life
  • You are among those who did some detox and corrected nutrient intake, but still fill stock, not making much progress
  • Or simply because you are curious and/or want to monitor/chart your progress from time to time

The test looks at:

  1. HRV and ECG measurments
  2. Body Mass index,
  3. Histogram,
  4. Stress Index,
  5. Rate of Biological Aging,
  6. Activity of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System.


Q: So what is HRV?

A: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Test  measures the levels of vital energy, rate of biological aging and ability to adapt  and process stress. What makes it even more special is that this particular method of analysis is correlated with Ayurvedic Pulse readings.

Q: How long it will take to do this test?

A: Testing takes only 5 -10 min but evaluation/ consultation time may take between 20-30 min , all depending up on the complexity of the case.

If the person wants to check other markers and see how HRV / vital energy readings are reflected in the function of 12 Acupuncture meridians, chakras and aura, than 1hr has to be designated for the visit.  Complete session of  HRV + Meridian Diagnostics + Bio-Energy/Chakra Assessment takes up to 1hr and costs €62.  HRV on its own costs €32

Q: What will I get from the visit?

A: Person will receive a printout of the test with visual depiction of the overall state of health, imbalances and rate of biological aging displayed clearly on the graphs. Consultation time can include lifestyle changes tips and additional strategies promoting balance i.e. breathwork, yoga, meditation, exercise, distressing treatments, sound therapy, massage.

Q: Are there special recommendations regarding my preparation for the test?

A: For the accuracy of the measurements, tests should preferably be conducted in the morning time, 3 hours after last meal, when the body is rested and not under stress. Thus preferably, a tested person should not eat anything or drink tea or coffee for 3 hours prior to the test. All medication used for cardiovascular problems should be abstained from for at least 12 hours prior to the test.

Book your appointment now. Call or text 0858559652

Your appointment is secured only upon receipt of your pre-payment (non-refundable deposit) for the specified treatment or test.

Every client must become familiar with our Cancellation Policy & Fee Schedule  prior to a visit

Pre-Paid Appointment
Pre-Paid Appointment
This is obligatory and non-refundable pre-payment for any appointment, health screening, and/or treatment. Pre-payment is 30 Euro + 2 E processing fees. The remaining fee will be paid in cash on the day of the visit, if required. ... In the window below (instruction), write the type of service you are booking for.
Price: €32.00

If you do not have credit/debit card or online PayPal account, please forward a Postal Order (leaving ‘pay to’ section blank, for the sum of Euro 32) to arrive at the Centre/Clinic not later than 3 days before the date of appointment. Please include your name, contact number and the test and/or treatment, that you are booking for.

€62, up to 1hr – Complete session of Meridian Diagnostics + Bio-Energy/Chakra Assessment +                                                             HRV test (Heart Rate Variability)


Additional Background Information of Interest

HRV test can determine:

  1. What volume of energy has a person to react and adapt to the environment and stress?
  2. Is the functional state of an organism balanced or not? How harmonious are relationships between a man and the environment? How harmonious are flows of energy — in a human body, as well as between him/her and the environment?

These are the fundamental questions of life and death. Man is alive only as long as he has a vital energy. And he is healthy only as long as his interaction with the environment is harmonious and balanced. If the balance is broken than illness begins. Vital energy is ended — death comes.

Q: What do you mean by “vital energy”. Here we do not refer to energy measured in joules, kilowatt-hours or TNT. Then what are we talking about?

A: Here, the ‘vital energy’ is measured by HRV and pulse diagnosis.

The point here is the following. The source of the vital energy are primarily from sunlight, air-oxygen, negatively charged water and nutrients derived from living food as well as electrons from the earth. All organs and systems of a body receive and distribute this ‘energetic nourishment’ through blood.

A heart sets the rhythm to the process of blood moving and supplying a body with energy.

We know that the heart rate is variable. Thus a body is adapted to the external environment. Even when a patient lies on a couch during the survey and does nothing, however, there is a complicated process of interaction with the environment. Scientifically speaking — ADAPTATION. This process of adaptation is accompanied by a continuous change in the heart rhythm.

It’s simple. If the heart rate varies this means that the heart responds to needs of the body and doses volume of blood directed to the tissues through the circulatory system. And if the heart beats in rigid rhythm (the variability is little) it means that the heart ignores the problem of adaptation to the external environment.

In the course of the survey/test we can roughly estimate how much the heart rate is variable. During the five-minute test we look at the changing numbers on the ECG signal, where the program displays the duration of the cardiac cycle, in milliseconds, and recounts how the heart rate (HR) changes.

If the heart rate is almost unchangable then it means that the body is out of balance. And if the heart rate is changable this means that the process of the blood supply, and therefore the energy is regulated. So, let’s remember the simple truth. The higher heart rate variability, the greater potential reserves of the body to adapt. Of course, everything has reasonable limits. Excessive variability in no way should be regarded as a large energy potential, it’s more like to shoot out of a cannon on sparrows. Total chaos reigns in the systems of regulation — respectively, the energy is spent foolishly.

The optimal variability is 150-250 ms.

HRV & Sport

Heart rate variability is an indicator of how well the parasympathetic nervous system functions. It provides athletes with a powerful measure of both their recovery and their ability to function well in an upcoming workout.

Clinical significance

Low HRV has been shown in numerous longitudinal studies to be related to a higher mortality rate in both healthy and unhealthy subjects.  It thus can be shown to be a strong predicator of all-cause mortality.  The heart is not just a simple pump, but a complex sensory organ with its own functional “heart brain” that communicates with and influences the brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways.

Research has shown that these influences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs.  Science now confirms that stress significantly increases the risk of heart disease, including sudden cardiac death.  Unmanaged emotional stress is equally if not more important than physical variables in determining health outcomes.  A conservative estimate is that 75% of visits to primary care physicians are due to stress-related disorders.

Reduced HRV has been shown to be a predictor of mortality after myocardial infarction. A range of other outcomes/conditions may also be associated with modified (usually lower) HRV, including congestive heart failure, diabetic neuropathy, depression, post-cardiac transplant, susceptibility to SIDS and poor survival in premature babies. (source: Wikipedia)

Cardiovascular-related issues are not the only uses for the DPA.  Psychologists are increasingly recognizing the importance of HRV.  A number of studies have demonstrated that patients with anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) consistently show lower HRV, even when not exposed to a trauma related prompt.  Importantly, this relationship existed independent of age, gender, trait anxiety, cardio-respiratory fitness, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate.