BRT-VRT Scientific and Clinical Research
- The Results of HIV Medical Treatment Using the Method of Multiresonance Therapy. Markin Y.V., Skvorzov S.V., Kazakov C.P., Arsenin C.L. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research in the Russian Academy of Natural Science, The Main Military Clinical Burdenko Hospital of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, The Medical Center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia).
- The Standard of Living of People Suffering from Chronic Viral Hepatitis C and some of their immunological and molecular-biological figures during the course of multiresonance therapy treatment. Markin Y.V., Skvorzov S.V., Kazakov C.P. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research in the Russian Academy of Natural Science, The Main Military Clinical Burdenko Hospital of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia).
- The Usage of The Multiresonance Therapy in Curing the Chronic fatigue syndrome. Markin Y.V., Skvorzov S.V., Kazakov C.P. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research in the Russian Academy of Natural Science, The Main Military Clinical Burdenko Hospital of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia).
- The Usage of The Multiresonance Therapy in Curing the Intestine Disbios. Markin Y.V. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research, Moscow), Shustrova N.M., Snegireva A.V., 8th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance Therapy”, Moscow, 2002.
- The Results of the Molecular-Biological and Immunological Figures in Curing HIV Infection by The Bioresonance Therapy Method. Markin Y.V. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research, Moscow), Kazakov C.P., Skvorzov S.V., Arsenin C.L. (The Main Military Clinical Burdenko Hospital of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, The Medical Center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).
- The Usage of The Bioresonance Therapy Method in Curing Children’s Cerebral Palsy. Markin Y.V. (The Institute for the Radiophysiological Research, Moscow), Sologubov E.G., Yavorsky A.B., Bosykh V.G., Nemkova S.A., Tourova M.L., Yagoupov A.A. (Children’s psychoneurological hospital #18, Moscow).
- Y.V.Markin. The Usage of The Multiresonance Therapy Method in Curing Chronic Urogenital Infection. 4th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Application of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Part 1, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1998, pages 166-169.
- Y.V.Markin. Electropunctural Diagnostics and Bioresonance Therapy at Initial Clinical Presentations of Cerebral Circulation Deficiency // Thesisis and reports. 3th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1997, pages 207-209.
- Y.V.Markin. Bioresonance Therapy in Curing Prosopalgia. // Thesisis and reports. 2th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1996, pages 246-247.
- Y.V.Markin. Some Methods of Chronic Colitis Therapy by Using The Bioresonance Therapy Methods. // Thesisis and reports. 2th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1996, pages 245-246.
- Y.V.Markin. Bioresonance Therapy in Curing Cytomegaly. // Thesisis and reports. 2th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1996, page 244.
- Bravo O.S., Markin Y.V. Clinical Evaluation of the Bioresonance Therapy Effectiveness in Curing Chronic Posttraumatic Osteomyelitis // Samokhin À.V., Gotovsky Y.V. Electropunctural Diagnostics and Therapy in Foll`s Method. Moscow, IMEDIS, 1995, page 383.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. 22nd International Congress of chemotherapy. International Exhibition and Congress Centre. Amsterdam. The Ntherlands.30 June – 3 July 2001.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. Russia seeking solution for the HIV/AIDS problem. New possibilities. United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS New York. June 25-27,2001.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. 4th International Symposium on AIDS and Reproduction: Genoa, Italy-Centro di Biotecnologie Avanzate.May 3/5,2001.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. 8th International Conference on AIDS in Africa Kampala,Uganda:2nd-6th April 2001.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. The Results of Molecular-Biological and Immunological Figures in Curing HIV Infection Using The Method of Endogenous-Undulatory Therapy. Conference “Clinical and Economic Effectiveness of Modern Technologies of Diagnostics and Medical Treatment Methods”. The Main Military Clinical Burdenko Hospital of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation.
- Y.V.Markin & co-authors. The Application of the New Methods in HIV Infection Therapy. 7th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Part 1, Moscow, IMEDIS, 2000, pages 41-44.
- Y.V.Markin, Gotovsky Y.V. Diagnostics of HIV Infected Patients Using VRT and BRT. International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Usage of the Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”, Part 1, Moscow, IMEDIS, 1999, pages 225-226.
Correction of metabolic disturbances of locomotor apparatus of mining industry workers by bioresonance methods
A.R. Kudasheva
(Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia) 6
Optimal duration of bioresonance therapy
B.I. Islamov
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics RAS, Puschino, Russia) 8
Application of vegetative resonance test in annual medical prophylactics
S.P. Pryadko
(RostovonDon, Russia)
Frequencywave therapy in treatment of common meteodependent diseases
L.G. Agasarov, I.A. Bokova
(Russian scientific center «Medical rehabilitation and balneology», MH RF, Moscow, Russia)
Influence of various forms of informational preparations on inflammatory process in experiment
A.E. Kudaev, N.K. Khodareva, K.P. Barsukova
(MCIT «Artemida», «LRC №1», RostovonDon, Russia)
Dependence of adaptation reaction type from dose of bioresonance preparation
A.E. Kudaev, V.V. Vinokurov, L.P. Barsukova, N.K. Khodareva
(MCIT «Artemida», RostovonDon, Russia)
Objectivity of homeopathic constitution
T.V. Akaeva, K.M. Mkhitaryan
(SSC RF Institute of biomedical problems RAS,
The role of electropunctural diagnostics in early diagnostics of cancer and precancer diseases
S.V. Gorbenko
Training of psychologists in MIA of Russia for evaluation of experience in consumption of controlled substances using VRT method: five year experience
V.M. Kruk, A.S. Oleynikova
(Department of state service and personnel MIA of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
Treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis with bioresonance therapy in stationary conditions
V.I. Gustomesova, V.M. Lanetskaya, L.V. Bulynina, E.N. Gustomesova
(VRCH №1, Voronezh, Russia)
Myofascial pain syndrome associated with EpsteinBarr virus
V.G. Ovchinnikov
(«Herpetic center», Moscow, Russia)
Rational approach to elimination of radioactive stress
I.V. Fadeev, E.N. Berezina
(«BioVoll» MC, Voronezh, Russia)
VRT – diagnostics of tuberculosis mycobacteria DNA
P.F. Sheshukov
(Vladimir, Russia)
Possibilities of VRT and BRT in study of tuberculosis pathogenesis and its treatment
V.N. Pastukhov, N.A. Pastukhova
(«Formula of health» MC, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Complex therapy of malignant tumors
V.I. Reshetilov, M.V. Vlasenko, O.A. Vorobieva
(Budapest, Hungary, Zaporozhye, Ukraine)
Homeopathy and bioresonance therapy in treatment of delay in psychical development in children
M.V. Kozlov
(«Avena» MC, Saratov, Russia)
Rehabilitation of dorsopathy in children and adults by medical exercises and homeopathic treatment
L.D. Tolstykh, O.N. Tkachenko, E.D. Lykova, E.A. Igoshina
(Center of bioresonance therapy «EliteMed», Krasnodar, Russia)
Bioresonance technologies in complex therapy of children with chronic convulsive conditions
R.N. Kobylianskaya, V.Ya. Kobylianskiy
(Ukrainian academy of integrative medicine, Kiev, Ukraine).
Treatment of acute viral and bacterial infection
M.N. Kazantseva (Vladivostok, Russia)
Possibilities of bioresonance therapy in treatment of autoimmune diseases (clinical example of treating autoimmune thrombocytopenia)
A.F. Dolgushina
(«MEDAKS» MCIT, Tyumen, Russia)
Experience of use of electropunctural diagnostics and bioresonance therapy for treating schistosomiasis in workers of mining industry
B.F. Teregulov
(Bashkir State Medical University MH RF, Ufa, Russia)
The use of aimed nosodes for treatment of children with urolithiasis
O.N. Buraya, N.P. Seregina
(«Edis», Vladivostok, Russia)
Examples of multiresonance therapy use for treatment of various diseases
O.V. Moskaleva (Moscow, Russia)
Condition of hemodynamic values of eye in patients with visual nerve atrophy of vascular genesis during complex treatment including bioresonance therapy
V.V. Egorov, T.V.Borisova, G.P. Smolyakova, T.I. Gokhua
(Khabarovsk branch «MNTK «S.N. Fyodorov Eye microsurgery»,
«Healthcare specialist retraining institute», Khabarovsk, Russia)
Treatment of children and adults with astigmatism, myopia and strabismus using bioresonance therapy and vegetative resonance test
O.V. Vasikovskaya, K.N. Mkhitaryan
(«Vitamed» clinic, Gabrovo, Bulgaria)
Bioresonance therapy in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
K.G. Khachumova
(«Life force» homeopathic center, Moscow, Russia)
Complex approach in treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma
A.E. Kudaev, N.K. Khodareva, T.I. Rozanova, B.T. Kolesiyankin, A.N. Rozanov
(«Artemida» MCIT, RostovonDon, «RADA» MC,
«MateriaBio Profi Center», Yaroslavl, Russia)
Clinical case of hepatitis C treatment with use of systemnosology approach
V.V. Shandrichev, K.N. Mkhitaryan
(Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Russia)
Borreliosis or Lyme disease
K.S. Romanov, G.G. Vasilieva
(Eliseeva medical center, Moscow, Russia)
Incidence of intestinal microbiota disturbances in every day practice of reflex therapists, its relevance and possibility of correction with bioresonance therapy
E.G. Dostanko, V.Yu. Dostanko, N.Yu. Dostanko
(«Center of resonance medicine INFOMED», Belarus State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus)
Peculiarities of using nosodes in electropunctural diagnostics and bioresonance therapy
S.I. Fedorenko
(Moscow, Russia)
Methods of bioinformation medicine as tools for health improvement in modern environment
Z.S. Teregulova
(Bashkir State Medical University, «Endoecological medicine» center, Ufa, Russia)
Reserves of adaptation and BRT
A.S. Kiriyak (Moscow, Russia)
Practical application of Ayurveda conceptions in complex with BRT and VRT methods
S.V. Kruglova, A.E. Kudaev, N.K. Khodareva
(«Artemida» MCIT, RostovonDon, Russia )
The role of classic homeopathy in practice of VRT and BRT. To the question of constitution and repertorisation
T.V. Akaeva, I.A. Bobrov, P.D. Biziaev, O.V. Vaslkivskaya, K.N. Mkhitaryan
(SSC RF Institute of biomedical problems RAS, Moscow, Russia;
«Vitamed» clinic, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Moscow, Russia)