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Kris Zurek (SNHS) Member of Microscopy Practitioners Association, Holistic Health Therapist

Karen Stewart Holistic Health Therapist

Holistic Health Centre,
Cloonloo, Boyle,
Co. Sligo.

Tel: 071 966 3311
Mobile: 087 972 8044

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Strange Parallels Between ASD And Mercury Exposure Symptoms

In the last decade our attention was drawn to peculiar similarities of symptoms associated with Autism or ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorders and recorded ill effects and symptomology of toxic mercury body-burden.

We encourage you to have a close look and decide for yourself.

Evidence of parallels between mercury intoxication and the brain pathology in autism.

Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2012;72(2):113-53.

Source: Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Abstract: “The purpose of this review is to examine the parallels between the effects mercury intoxication on the brain and the brain pathology found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
“This review finds evidence of many parallels between the two, including: (1) microtubule degeneration, specifically large, long-range axon degeneration with subsequent abortive axonal sprouting (short, thin axons); (2) dentritic overgrowth; (3) neuroinflammation; (4) microglial/astrocytic activation; (5) brain immune response activation; (6) elevated glial fibrillary acidic protein; (7) oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation; (8) decreased reduced glutathione levels and elevated oxidized glutathione; (9) mitochondrial dysfunction; (10) disruption in calcium homeostasis and signaling; (11) inhibition of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity; (12) disruption of GABAergic and glutamatergic homeostasis; (13) inhibition of IGF-1 and methionine synthase activity; (14) impairment in methylation; (15) vascular endothelial cell dysfunction and pathological changes of the blood vessels; (16) decreased cerebral/cerebellar blood flow; (17) increased amyloid precursor protein; (18) loss of granule and Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum; (19) increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in the brain (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-8); and (20) aberrant nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kappaB).

“This review also discusses the ability of mercury to potentiate and work synergistically with other toxins and pathogens in a way that may contribute to the brain pathology in ASD.

“The evidence suggests that mercury may be either causal or contributory in the brain pathology in ASD, possibly working synergistically with other toxic compounds or pathogens to produce the brain pathology observed in those diagnosed with an ASD.

If similarities between mercury exposure symptoms and autistic symptoms are so great, could it be possible that, in fact  mercury can be blamed as one of the main culprits in epidemic of autism? We believe it is.

 Heavy Metal Toxicity Free Questionnaire (click here)      call us for testing and detox protocols at 085-8559652


How Mercury Kills the Brain ~ Autism


Mercury can leak from amalgam tooth fillings and build up in a body tissues. Pregnant women, who have mercury amalgam fillings or never properly detoxed this heavy metal from the body, may be at risk of passing it through placenta to a developing fetus. Developing brain and CNS of a a fetus is very susceptible to this type of toxicity, which may contribute, together with Vaccines to symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorders, which becomes visible only later, when the parent is expecting to see a normal development of the child.

We urge all women who intend to become pregnant, first to test for heavy metals and properly detox if needed, following safe protocols.

Mercury and autism: accelerating evidence?

Mutter J, Naumann J, Schneider R, Walach H, Haley B.
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2005 Oct;26(5):439-46.

Source: Institute for Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany.

Abstract: “The causes of autism and neurodevelopmental disorders are unknown. Genetic and environmental risk factors seem to be involved. Because of an observed increase in autism in the last decades, which parallels cumulative mercury exposure, it was proposed that autism may be in part caused by mercury. We review the evidence for this proposal. Several epidemiological studies failed to find a correlation between mercury exposure through thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, and the risk of autism.

“Recently, it was found that autistic children had a higher mercury exposure during pregnancy due to maternal dental amalgam and thimerosal-containing immunoglobulin shots.

“It was hypothesized that children with autism have a decreased detoxification capacity due to genetic polymorphism. In vitro, mercury and thimerosal in levels found several days after vaccination inhibit methionine synthetase (MS) by 50%. Normal function of MS is crucial in biochemical steps necessary for brain development, attention and production of glutathione, an important antioxidative and detoxifying agent. Repetitive doses of thimerosal leads to neurobehavioral deteriorations in autoimmune susceptible mice, increased oxidative stress and decreased intracellular levels of glutathione in vitro. Subsequently, autistic children have significantly decreased level of reduced glutathione. Promising treatments of autism involve detoxification of mercury, and supplementation of deficient metabolites.


Hair toxic metal concentrations and autism spectrum disorder severity in young children.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012 Dec 6;9(12):4486-97. doi: 10.3390/ijerph9124486.

Source: Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Silver Spring, MD 20905, USA.

Abstract: Previous studies have found a higher body-burden of toxic metals, particularly mercury (Hg), among subjects diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in comparison to neurotypical controls. Moreover, Hg body-burden was associated with ASD severity. This cross-sectional study examined the potential correlation between hair toxic metal concentrations and ASD severity in a prospective cohort of participants diagnosed with moderate to severe ASD.

“Qualifying study participants (n = 18) were evaluated for ASD severity using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and quantitatively for arsenic, Hg, cadmium, lead, chromium, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, tin, uranium, and manganese using hair toxic element testing by Doctor’s Data (a CLIA-approved laboratory).

“Increasing hair Hg concentrations significantly correlated with increased ASD severity. In contrast, no significant correlations were observed between any other of the hair toxic metals examined and ASD severity. …”



Myers G, Davidson P: Does methylmercury have a role in causing developmental disabilities in children?

Environ Health Perspec 2000, 3:413-420.

Another study published in the journal Middle East Current Psychiatry states that “[m]ercury poisoning and autism have nearly identical symptoms” (…).

And a study recently published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology directly states that “[n]ot only is every major symptom of autism documented in cases of mercury poisoning but also biological abnormalities in autism are very similar to side effects of mercury poisoning itself” (