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Kris Zurek (SNHS) Member of Microscopy Practitioners Association, Holistic Health Therapist

Karen Stewart Holistic Health Therapist

Holistic Health Centre,
Cloonloo, Boyle,
Co. Sligo.

Tel: 071 966 3311
Mobile: 087 972 8044

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Children’s Health

Healthy Recommendations

  1. Feed your child with breast milk if possible
  2. When your children are ready, give them daily a freshly made juice from organic carrots (Charlotte Gerson said that there are case of very healthy children who were fed organic carrot juice instead of milk)
  3. If you ever prepare formula, never use for it fluoridated tap water
  4. Do not buy Fluoridated toothpaste for your children (it contains toxic Sodium Fluoride; frequent tummy aches can be caused by swallowed sweet toothpaste) Fluoride-free toothpastes are now widely available in health food shops.
  5. Be careful with the vaccines (make informed choices)
  6. Do your best to help your child to develop strong immune system:
  7. To achieve this use high quality probiotics, keep them active, expose to fresh air and sunshine, avoid fluoridated and chlorinated tap water, avoid sugar, prepare good, nutritious organic food
  8. Avoid use of aggressive and immune-suppressing Antibiotics. Rather use an alternative, a gentle and natural solution of Silver Hydrosol (plenty of studies show its safety and effectiveness)
  9. Make sure children don’t consume any products with MSG and Aspartame – artificial sweetener
  10. Ban processed and junk food from your life  – “Protect Children From Unhealthy Food Marketing”  – please view video clip on the bottom of this page
  11. Instead of buying them health damaging soft drinks and juices with added fructose or sucrose, rather make effort to make your own juice at home, from organic fruits and veg.
  12. Give them time and space for free play
  13. Mind what your child is watching; the mind of a developing child is like a sponge, it soaks everything without much of discernment.
  14. Limit their time playing computer games (especially violent ones)