Alzheimer’s Disease
I intended to write a page about Alzheimer’s for last year, but now as I sit at my desk to proceed, I realize that I have forgotten how I wanted to start this article.
It is no doubt, one of the saddest and most debilitating diseases of all. Currently some 4 million Americans have this degenerative disease of the brain while 19 million Americans have family members with Alzheimer’s or dementia. (1)Being facetious of course …but that’s exactly what Alzheimer’s disease does to a person’s memory …you just can’t remember.
Alzheimer’s very slowly creeps up on mostly older people, robbing them of their memories, their ability to function day to day, and eventually their lives.
Alzheimer’s Disease (Understanding Disease: Neurology) brief explanation of the changes in the brain
beta amyloid in alzheimer’s
By the age of 65, 1 in 10 people have Alzheimer’s, and by age 85, nearly half of all people do. (1)
It’s a debilitating and terrible disease …that steals our brain and steals our dignity and our life. Many people are still puzzled, trying to figure out what causes it and how to prevent it.
You may be surprised to learn that science have made already great discoveries regarding causative factors of Alzheimer’s. Despite the fact that final verdict is not yet announced through media channels, at least six strong links have been identified and secondary four.
- Chronic inflammation of the brain (more on the subject here), due to our unnatural and faulty lifestyle, diet, overacidity, toxic chemicals and bacterial overload.
- Mercury, heavy metal toxic overload is very dangerous. Brain, Central Nervous System (CNS) and Kidneys are the most affected by Mercury. Many people are in fact damaged by it and show symptoms of slow release Mercury poisoning, without even realizing it. This is because many medical practitioners have little knowledge concerning this issue and do not know the most accurate testing protocols . There is plenty of proof that Mercury destroys brain nerve cells, it literally dissolves them. (more on the subject here)
- Aluminum, an environmental neuro-toxin (more on the subject here) is somehow involved too. Autopsies performed on Alzheimer’s patients reveal that their brain nerves that transmit their memory signals, are in a tangled mess and surrounded with aluminium. They simply short out and no message gets through. So the patient ‘loses’ their memory. The memory maybe still stored in the brain, but the nerves that deliver it are disrupted. So when the patient tries to recall a memory, it just does not happen.
- General Free Radical attack
- Beta Amyloid Plaque
- Brain Insulin Resistance and disrupted glucose metabolism, resulting in death of neurons
Secondary factors:
- Homocysteine has a neuro-toxic effect in your body and can contribute to diseases like Alzheimer’s. (2) Also you can check 2002 study:“Plasma Homocysteine as a Risk Factor for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease”
- Antioxidant deficiencies (lower protection against Free Radical Attack)
- Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) may contribute to memory loss and Alzheimer’s-like symptoms
- Obesity doubles the risk for Alzheimer’s
- Predominantly simple Carbohydrate Diet (devoid of healthy types of fats) increases risk of Alzheimer’s by five times
Holistic Natural Approach and Preventive Solutions for Alzheimer’s:
- Check your BRAIN function
- Avail of LBA/Dark Field Blood Test to check the degree of Free Radical Damage to the blood cells and Lipid Peroxidation
- Get multiple sessions of Ozone Treatments
- Detox Mercury and Aluminium
- Get multiple sessions of PEMF
- Replace amalgam dental fillings
- Use big doses of antioxidants e.g. Flavanoids, Gluthatione, to protect against Free Radical Damage
- Use natural anti-inflammatory enzyme Serrapeptase (Alzheimer’s patients have high levels of inflammation in the brain)
- Use potent Probiotic – Prime Selection (also contains plant based B vitamins, various plant-based Anti-oxidants and EFAs) study: “High doses of B vitamins may halve the rate of brain shrinkage”
- Use special Helmet (based on photon therapy) and LLLT – call us for details
- Dr. Rife Radio Frequencies protocols for Alzheimer’s – multiple sessions
- Vibroacoustic Therapy (using sound vibrations applied to the whole body) helps to enliven the brain (sound vibrations, music, melody, beat is vital for improving brain functions)
- HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (it seems to help to substantially regenerate part of the brain)
- Avoid Statin drugs (prolonged use can ‘dissolve’ parts of the brain) – on the lower part of the following page you will find video clips about Statins
- Include coconut oil in your diet (they contain 60% of Medium Chain Triglycerides, which are very beneficial for rebuilding the brain) and incorporate Ketonic Diet
Role of Probiotics: If you want to know how to improve memory and cognition and how to prevent Alzheimer’s, it might surprise you to know that a healthy brain begins in your stomach. (please read more here)
The Science Behind Coconut Oil As An Alzheimer’s Treatment (interview with Dr. Mary Newport)
Therapeutic Effects of Coherent Light on Memory & Prevention of Alzheimer’s
Low-level light therapy (LLLT) with red to near-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) enhances cortical oxygenation and metabolic capacity and memory retention, scientists observed in a series of animal experiments.
Because cerebral hypometabolism characterizes mild cognitive impairment, they say transcranially applied LLLT could have memory-enhancing effects in humans.
The ability of LLLT to increase mitochondrial energy metabolism could be used to recover brain processes affected by regional brain hypometabolism associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, PhD, University of Austin, Texas, and colleagues suggest.
“Furthermore, LLLT could be used as a preventive intervention in people who present risk factors for AD, such as those with chronic cerebrovascular hypoperfusion, mild cognitive impairment, or a history of head trauma. In such patients, LLLT could be combined with cognitive intervention approaches,” they say.
Study: Low-Level Light Therapy Improves Cortical Metabolic Capacity and Memory Retention
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Volume 32, Number 3 / 2012
Therapeutic Effects of Sound Vibration & Music on Patients With Alzheimer’s
Alive Inside – trailer
- “Alzheimer’s Disease Facts & Statistics,”
- “Fight Alzheimer’s and Heart Disease with B Vitamins,”